Career Technical Education at Windsor Unified
Windsor Unified School District is committed to building programs that support students in reaching their future goals. With the core structure at Windsor High School, the LTI model at North Bay Met Academy, and introductory programs offered at Windsor Middle School, students in the district have opportunities for enhanced career exploration, internships and mentorships, certifications, and early college credit through Career Technical Education pathways.
According to the California Department of Education
Eighty percent of students in college prep and rigorous CTE met college and career readiness goals versus only 63 percent of students taking only college prep.
Southern Regional Education Board, High Schools That Work 2012 Assessment
Attendance in a CTE program more than doubles the rate of college entrance for minority students.
A Model for Success: CART’s Linked Learning Program Increases College Enrollment, Irvine Foundation 2011
Ninety percent CTE student graduation rate in high school versus only 75 percent average nationwide graduation rate.
U.S. Department of Education 2007-2008 data, National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium
According to the California Department of Education
Eighty percent of students in college prep and rigorous CTE met college and career readiness goals versus only 63 percent of students taking only college prep.
Southern Regional Education Board, High Schools That Work 2012 Assessment
Attendance in a CTE program more than doubles the rate of college entrance for minority students.
A Model for Success: CART’s Linked Learning Program Increases College Enrollment, Irvine Foundation 2011
Ninety percent CTE student graduation rate in high school versus only 75 percent average nationwide graduation rate.
U.S. Department of Education 2007-2008 data, National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium